Our November meeting was quite fascinating and inspiring. It is amazing what every day items, like a potato chip bag, can be used to create a fiber art piece. If we look art, materials and inspiration is all around it. It is great to be a part of this group to learn from each other, gain new ideas, be inspired and make new friends.
New members were introduced this month: Sylvia, Sandy…4 new people (apologies didn’t get everyone’s name!)
Next month is our Christmas party and we will have SAQA Trunk Show that Margaret will be bringing. Sign-ups for food: Sweet or Savory. Bring quick gift ideas for show and tell.
We have a new co-chair! We want to welcome Sherry as our new co-chair. We are excited to have you aboard.
We discussed more possibilities for using our funds for a workshop possibly happening in April or May. One possibility is the class the Rosemary took about ice dying fabric. Other ideas for classes include Felting and Rust Dying. If you have any ideas, feel free to contact Rosemary.
Class Presentation: Texturizing Potato Chip Bags and Stained Class
Our presenters were Doris Claude and Darlene Mann. Doris did a demonstration on texturizing potato chip bags using fabric paints and a heat gun. It was quite fascinating to see how it worked and reacted to the heat. She applied acrlyic paint to the bag and then heated it with the heat gun.
New members were introduced this month: Sylvia, Sandy…4 new people (apologies didn’t get everyone’s name!)
Next month is our Christmas party and we will have SAQA Trunk Show that Margaret will be bringing. Sign-ups for food: Sweet or Savory. Bring quick gift ideas for show and tell.
We have a new co-chair! We want to welcome Sherry as our new co-chair. We are excited to have you aboard.
We discussed more possibilities for using our funds for a workshop possibly happening in April or May. One possibility is the class the Rosemary took about ice dying fabric. Other ideas for classes include Felting and Rust Dying. If you have any ideas, feel free to contact Rosemary.
Class Presentation: Texturizing Potato Chip Bags and Stained Class
Our presenters were Doris Claude and Darlene Mann. Doris did a demonstration on texturizing potato chip bags using fabric paints and a heat gun. It was quite fascinating to see how it worked and reacted to the heat. She applied acrlyic paint to the bag and then heated it with the heat gun.

Then Doris demonstrated how to do beautiful fabric mosaic pictures using small pieces of cut fabric. She used guiding tool, slotted cutting ruler 3/8", to help her cut her fabric squares and placed her squares into tiny containers to help keep them together and organized. Then she mounted her drawing behind the Steam a Seam 2, and applied the squares to the Steam a Seam. More information can be found at http://www.cheryllynchquilts.com/mini-mosaic-quilts.html .

Show and Tell:
Our new member, Sylvia, from Kanab, showed some of her beautiful fiber art work.
Anette – super cute Halloween pillow and banner

Janice Houick – beautiful Christmas quilt

Sue – amazing fabric picture

Janice Houick – beautiful Christmas quilt

Sue – amazing fabric picture

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